In preparation, review, or revision
Lauder, J.D., Z. Malone, E. V. Moran. Submitted. Color quantification of stained wood thin sections tracks variation in lignin concentrations between living and drought-killed conifers. Invited manuscript for Science of the Total Environment special issue on dendrochemistry.
Lauder, J.D., C. Reynoso, M. Stephens, J. Sexton. In prep. Defining the Giant Sequoia post-fire seedling regeneration niche.
Lauder, J.D., D. J. Young, A. Latimer, M. Goulden, E. V. Moran. In prep. Biological ground-truthing drought metrics: Which metrics track Sierra tree growth?
Lauder, J.D., E. V. Moran. In prep. Simulating carbon allocation tradeoffs between wood hydraulic safety and tree fitness under drought.
Lauder, J.D., R. S. Senock. In prep. First documentation of tree species diversity and forest structure in the Lake Hargy Caldera, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Biotropica.
Lauder, J.D. E. V. Moran, S. J. Hart. 2019. Fight or flight? Tradeoffs Between Drought Defense and Reproduction in Conifers. Tree Physiology. tpz031. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpz031
Moran, E. V. , J. D. Lauder, C. Musser, A. Stathos, and M. Shu. 2017. The Genetics of Drought Tolerance in Conifers. New Phytol. doi:10.1111/nph.14774
Lauder, J.D., O. Chafe, and J. Godfrey. 2017. Cadmium uptake and Growth of three native California species grown in abandoned mine waste rock. Ecological Rest. 35: 210-213
Technical and Thesis
Lauder, J. D. 2015. Forest Structure and Composition on New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea. CSU, Chico Master’s Thesis. CSUC
Wood, J. and J.D. Lauder. 2014. Ecosystem response to artificial gravel augmentation in a Western Sierra foothill Yuba River tributary. Sierra Streams Institute. Nevada City, CA.
Lauder, J.D. 2014. Patterns in Bird Communities at Woodpecker Reserve, Nevada City, CA, following mechanical forest thinning. Sierra Streams Institute. Nevada City, CA.
Lauder, J.D., 2013. Phytoremediation of Mine Waste: Feasibility Assessment. Sierra Streams Institute. Nevada City, CA.
Lauder, J.D., 2013. Physical Habitat Data Validation: Assessment of Citizen-Science Accuracy for Monitoring of Physical Habitat in Wadeable Streams. Sierra Streams Institute. Nevada City, CA.